Remedial Massage
Remedial massage is a natural therapy that aims to treat aches, pains and injuries to help the body repair and recover. It focuses on treating tense, damaged or knotted muscles and can help manage a number of health conditions, especially those affecting muscles, tendons and bones.
What are the specific techniques of Remedial Massage Therapy?
1. Deep tissue massage and trigger point therapy
With deep tissue massage, firm and flowing strokes are applied to the problem areas of the body, which eases tension. The therapist may use their thumbs, knuckles, or elbows to achieve the appropriate direction, depth, or pressure.
Trigger point therapy uses cycles of pressure and release (rest), and may be accompanied by deep breathing. This technique also helps to ease tension, and is often used in conjunction with deep tissue massage to achieve optimal results.
2. Stretch therapy
In this type of massage, the therapist will assist the patient with stretching various areas of the body, which helps to relieve pain, enhance flexibility, improve range of motion, and improve circulation.
3. Joint mobilisation
Joint mobilization therapy works by applying a low speed, passive movement of a joint, encouraging intracapsular movement, and improving stiffness and pain. It’s usually targeted at a specific problem joint.
4. Myofascial release
Myofascial tissue is the fibrous connective tissue that supports and protects your muscles and bones. Myofascial release works by applying a specific, local stretch-based massage technique to knotted areas of the body, or other trigger points that help to relieve pain in the affected area.
When a therapist performs myofascial release techniques, they’re often treating myofascial pain syndrome.
5. Thermotherapy and cryotherapy
Thermotherapy uses heated objects such as heat packs, hot water bottles, or hot baths to induce muscle relaxation, and promote blood flow.
Cryotherapy uses cooled objects such as cold compresses, ice packs, or cold baths to decrease blood flow, which reduces inflammation and the risk of tissue damage.
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