This Video is part of the Performance Plus Rotation Series. The Shot Put with a Plyoball or Medball is a good exercise to promote rotation and power useful in bat swing and throwing. Commence in an athletic position side on to the wall. Take the ball back in a slight rotary movement, and then initiating with the hips drive the ball backwards and forward with two hands in a scooping motion. After 3 repetitions, drive the ball into the net, over a braced front leg. As with all the rotation exercises try and maintain trunk and head control as you perform the exercises. Best done as 3 sets of 6.
Split Stance Medball Drill
This Video is part of the Performance Plus Rotation Series. The Split Stance with a Plyoball or Medball is a good exercise to promote rotation and power useful in pitching and throwing. Commence in an athletic front on to the wall with feet in a split stance position. The back foot is side on to the wall and the front foot is facing. Take the ball back overhead, and then initiating with the back foot, drive the ball using two hands, over a braced front leg. In this drill we are trying to get the body to collapse over a stable lower body. Aim to hit the wall at head height. As with all the rotation exercises try and maintain trunk and head control as you perform the exercises. Best done as 3 sets of 6.
Half Kneel Overhead Throw Drill
This Video is part of the Performance Plus Rotation Series. The Half Kneel with a Plyoball or Medball is a good exercise to promote rotation and power useful in pitching and throwing. Commence in a 1/2 kneeling position, front on to the wall, opposite knee to throwing arm in a bent up position. Take the ball back overhead, and then initiating with the hips, drive straight forward with the ball using two hands, over a braced front leg. In this drill we are trying to get the body to collapse over a stable lower body. Aim to hit the wall at head height. As with all the rotation exercises try and maintain trunk and head control as you perform the exercises. Best done as 3 sets of 6.
Crab Walk Drill
This Video is part of the Performance Plus Strengthening Series. The Crab Walk is a good exercise to promote strength and control of the hips and core and is useful in all aspects of hitting and throwing. Commence standing in an athletic position, with the knees slightly bent and feet facing forward. You can use a band around the knees or feet to increase the difficulty. Take a shuffle step to the side making sure you don’t twist the leg or pelvis. Stabilise the lead leg and then control the rear leg to step back into the athletic position. Continue for 15m and return facing the same way to work the other side. As with all the strengthening exercises try and maintain trunk and head control as you perform the exercises. Best done as 6 sets.
Waiters Walk Drill
This Video is part of the Performance Plus Strengthening Series. The Waiters Walk is a good exercise to promote strength and control of the arm and core and is useful in all aspects of hitting and throwing. Its a great all round exercises as it works all the muscles in the area. Commence standing in an athletic position, with a plyo ball or a kettle bell in your hand. Press the weight so that the shoulder is at 90 degrees flexion, 45 degrees abduction and the elbow at 90 degrees. Ensure the shoulder blade is snugged back. Brace core and walk forwards keeping the arm stable, and your breathing regular. Continue for 15m and return the same way. As with all the strengthening exercises try and maintain trunk and head control as you perform the exercises. Best done as 6 sets.
Pallof Press
This Video is part of the Performance Plus Strengthening Series. The Pallof Press is a good exercise to promote strength and control of the Shoulders and Trunk and is useful in all aspects of hitting and throwing. Its a great all round exercises as it works all the muscles in the area. Commence standing in an athletic position, side on to the wall and band. Pull the band into the midline and then press it forward with out allowing the trunk to rotate. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Keep your breathing regular. Return hands to midline and then allow the band back to resting position. As with all the strengthening exercises try and maintain trunk and head control as you perform the exercises. Best done as 3 x6 reps.
Bent Over Row
This Video is part of the Performance Plus Strengthening Series. The Row is a good exercise to promote strength and control of the Shoulders, Pelvis and Trunk and is useful in all aspects of hitting and throwing. Its a great all round exercises as it works all the muscles in the area. Commence standing in an athletic position, in a stride position. Stand hinged over at the waist holding a weight (plyoball or kettle) in one hand. Keeping your back aligned, slide your shoulder blades back and down towards your backside. Pull the dumbbell upwards towards the side of your rib cage. Lower the weights back to the starting position. Complete the set on one side before repeating with the opposite arm. As with all the strengthening exercises try and maintain trunk and head control as you perform the exercises. Best done as 3 x6 reps.
Kettle Bell Dead Lift
This Video is part of the Performance Plus Strengthening Series. The Kettle Squat is a good exercise to promote strength and control of the Legs, Pelvis and Trunk and is useful in all aspects of hitting and throwing. Its a great all round exercises as it works all the muscles in the area. Stand with your feet a large pace apart and the kettlebell on the floor in front of you. (You can do it with a plyoball in your hands) Move down into a full squat grasp the kettlebell and then drive your body upwards through your heels. As you raise upwards keep the kettlebell close to your body in a goblet grip with your hands and the weight facing downwards. The movement out of the squat must be a forceful fluid motion using both your legs and hips as one unit and not as individual stages. Keep your back and chest straight and head up, gaze looking forward as you rise and squeeze your buttocks together at the top of the movement. Move back down into the squat and ground the kettlebell at your feet. As with all the strengthening exercises try and maintain trunk and head control as you perform the exercises. Best done as 3 x6 reps.
Single Leg Dead
This Video is part of the Performance Plus Strengthening Series. The Single Leg Dead Lift is a good exercise to promote strength and control of the Legs and Trunk and is useful in all aspects of hitting and throwing. Its a great all round exercises as it works all the muscles in the area. Stand with your knees slightly bent, holding a dumbbell in one hand. Hinge forward at the waist and fully extend the opposite leg out to the rear, lowering the dumbbell towards your shin. Keep your back straight and do not allow your body to rotate. Contract your gluteus and hamstrings and return to a standing position.
Pronation Swing Drills
This Video is part of the Performance Plus Strengthening Series. The pronation swing is a good exercise to promote strength and control of the arms and is useful in patterning the throwing action. Stand in an athletic position, cuff weights wrapped around the wrists, hands facing back. Curl hands up to eye height, and then pronate the hands down whilst swinging the arms downwards loosely. Decelerate to finish with the hands facing backwards at hip level. Keep trunk stable during drill. repeat 3 x 6.
Two Arm Swing Drill
This Video is part of the Performance Plus Strengthening Series. The two arm swing is a good exercise to promote strength and control of the arms and is useful in patterning the throwing action. Stand in an athletic position, cuff weights wrapped around the wrists, hands facing forwards. Curl hands up over and behind head, cast weights out overhead and control rate of descent. Hands. Keep trunk stable during drill. repeat 3 x 6.
Pivot Pick Cuff Weights
This Video is part of the Performance Plus Strengthening Series. ThePivot Pick Swing is a good exercise to promote strength and control of the arms and is useful in patterning the throwing action. Stand in an athletic position, cuff weights wrapped around the wrists, hands facing forwards. Pivot Pickoff Throws are done with the throwing arm in the “goalpost position” or “high-cocked position” and the other arm extended straight out in front. Turn to the right if you are a right-handed thrower and turn to the left if you are a left-handed thrower, then pull the glove arm back, and after a very slight delay, drive the throwing arm forward and turn the thumb down (pronate the forearm). Shoulder rotation should be heavily emphasised here. Done correctly, the athlete will pronate the forearm and learn to hit his right hip with his right hand (if he throws with his right hand) and will feel a stretch during the delay between glove retraction and throwing arm acceleration. The idea is NOT to follow-through across the body, but rather drive the upper arm in a straight line and pronate the forearm. Keep trunk stable during drill. repeat 3 x 6.
Lateral Bound with Sprint
This Video is part of the Performance Plus Strengthening Series. The Lateral Bound With Sprint is a good exercise to promote power and speed and is useful in all aspects of baseball. Place 6 cones approx 1-1.5 m apart in two rows. Leap powefully form cone to cone and upon reaching the final cone, sprint powerfully for 70 ft. Walk back to start and repeat 6 times.