Wrist and Elbow Extension Stretch

The Wrist and Elbow Extension Stretch is part of the Performance Plus Stretching Series. It is a really important stretch in maintaining arm health. Start in a seated or standing position. Bring your arm out in front of you, keeping your elbow straight and wrist and fingers relaxed. Use your opposite hand to stretch the wrist and fingers back so that your palm faces in. Hold this position in a stretch for 20 seconds before relaxing the arm. Repeat 3 times each arm.

Cobra Stretch

The Cobra Stretch is part of the Performance plus Stretching Series. Its a really useful stretch to loosen the lower back and pelvis. Start position is lying face down on the floor in the prone position as if ready to start a push up but keeping the hip and legs in contact with the floor.
 From the prone position, gently press up using the arms and shoulders keeping the legs, pelvis, and lower abdomen in contact with the floor. Perform the exercise in a slowly to the end of the movement range and then pause briefly, rather than holding as if performing a traditional static stretch. Repeat 10 times

Sumo Stretch

The Sumo Squat Stretch is part of the Performance plus Stretching Series. Its a really useful stretch to loosen the lower back hips and calves. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and squat down between your legs with your knees turned out.
Put your fingers underneath your toes for balance, and bring your chest up. Push your elbows into your thighs to push the knees out further, stretching the inside of your thighs. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat 3 times

Quad Stretch

The Quad Stretch is part of the Performance Plus Stretching Series. To perform the stretch, Stand up straight, close to a wall or supportive surface. Bend your knee on the affected leg, taking your heel towards your buttock. Hold onto the top of your foot with your hand, and gently pull your heel closer in towards your buttock, until you feel a stretch in the front of your thigh. Ensure you keep your knees together. Hold this position for 20 seconds and repeat on each leg 3 times..

Hip 90/90 Stretch

The Seated 90 Stretch is Part of  the Performance Plus stretching Series. Its really effective at stretching out the hips which can get really tight from baseball.  To perform the stretch, Sit upright in a chair. Cross the ankle of the affected leg over the opposite thigh just above the knee. Lean forwards, bending from the hip. Increase the stretch by placing your hand on the inside of the affected knee, and apply some downwards pressure. Do not round your back whilst you hold this position. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat 3 times each leg.

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