Medial Scapula Myofascial Release

The Medial Scapula Border Myofascial Release is part of the Performance Plus Stretching Series. This stretch can be done 2 ways. You can do it lying on a ball placed on the inside border of your shoulder blade between it and the spine. Bend your knees up and use your feet to rock back and forward on the ball. Alternatively, lean against a wall with a ball in the same spot. Gently bend up and down on your knees to perform the release.

Posterior Shoulder Myofascial Release

The Posterior Shoulder Myofascial Release is part of the Performance Plus Stretching Series. Lie on your side with your arm out in front of you. Place the ball at the back of your shoulder and find the tight point. You can then rock bak and up and down on the spot. Alternatively you can move your arm up and down above your head.

Lats Myofascial Release

The Latissimus Dorsi Myofascial Release is part of the Performance Plus Stretching Series. Lie on your affected side on a mat with your knees bent. Place a ball or foam roller under your arm, just below the arm pit. Stretch your arm out on top, turning the palm upwards. Keeping your hips on the floor, use the strength through your legs to move the foam roller from just below your arm pit, in to your upper arm. If you feel any tender spots, hold the position there.

Pectoral Myofascial Release

The Pectoral Myofascial Release is part of the Performance Plus Stretching Series. Lie down on your stomach with your arm  up and out tot he side. Take the ball and put it underneath the muscle at the front of your chest, near your shoulder. Rock the body forward and back over the ball. From that position you can also move your arm in a sweeping motion above the head. Return the arm to the starting position and repeat. Make sure to stay strictly on the soft muscular part of the chest.

Triceps Myofascial Release

The Triceps Myofascial Release is part of the Performance Plus Stretching Series.  Lie on your side with the arm above your head and the elbow bent the ball at the back of your arm and roll it up and down the backside of your arm. You can use your legs to help you move.

Gluteals Myofascial Release

The Gluteal Myofascial Release is part of the Performance Plus Stretching Series. Place the ball on the floor and position your affected buttock on the ball. Using your arms, move your buttock over the ball. You can vary the amount of pressure through your gluteal region by changing the amount of weight you place through your arms. When you find a particularly tender area, hold this position, or slide the lower leg up and down increasing the pressure through the ball.

Calves Myofascial Release

The Calf Myofascial Release is part of the Performance Plus Stretching Series. Place the foam roller underneath your calf.
Take the other leg and cross it over so it is resting on your shin in order to apply extra pressure. Balance yourself with your hands as you lift your legs and feet off the floor. Roll back and forth along the calf muscle.

Quads Myofascial Release

The Quadricepts Myofascial Release is part of the Performance Plus Stretching Series. Lie on your front and place the foam roller underneath your leg. Bend the opposite leg and bring it out to the side to help you move back and forth. Roll the entire length of the thigh muscle, staying off the knee joint.

ITB / TFL Myofascial Release

The ITB / TFL Myofascial Release is part of the Performance Plus Stretching Series..Lie on your affected side and place the foam roller underneath the IT band. Cross the top leg over the front of the lower leg to help you move back and forth. Roll from just below the boney bit of your hip, to just above the knee joint. Do not roll over bone on a foam roller, stay on the soft tissue.

Hamstring Myofascial Release

The Hamstring Myofascial Release is part of the Performance Plus Stretching Series. Take the foam roller and place it underneath the back of your affected thigh. Cross the other leg over the top in order to apply more pressure to the movement. Lift yourself up onto your hands and roll forward and backwards along the hamstring muscle on the back of the leg. Do not roll onto the back of the knee with the foam roller.

Thoracic Stretch

The Thoracic Stretch is Part of the Performance Plus Stretching Series. It is a great stretch to provide mid back mobility which is really useful in all aspects of throwing and hitting. Start on your hands and knees, with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Take one hand off the floor and reach in and through between your other arm and your legs. Allow your body and head to follow, moving your shoulder down towards the floor as your hand reaches through. You should feel a stretch down your side, your shoulder blade and neck. Hold this position for a few seconds, and then return to the starting position. Reach your arm out to the other side, and then up towards the ceiling. Follow the movement of your hand with your head, twisting in the other direction to look up towards the ceiling. Hold this position, and then repeat the sequence. Repeat 10 times each way.


Horizontal Adduction Stretch

The Wrist and Elbow Extension Stretch is part of the Performance Plus Stretching Series. It is a really important stretch in maintaining arm health. Stand upright and prepare to start the shoulder stretch exercise. This exercise stretches the muscles in your upper arm, upper back and shoulder and can be performed either sitting or standing. Move your arm across your chest at the height of your shoulder. Use your other hand to gently hold your elbow and pull the arm a little further across. You should feel the stretch across the back of your arm and shoulder. Hold this position  for 20 seconds and return to the start position and repeat to the other side. Complete twice each arm.

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